Mid-Week Meet-Up: Intergenerational Sunday

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! This Sunday is our much-anticipated Intergenerational Sunday. Here's what I've told you about worship this Sunday so far: you know that there will be no Sunday School, that the children of the church will be staying for the whole worship service, that there will be prayer stations in the sanctuary for worshipers, and that it will involve more participation than usual. Let me tell you a little more about worship on Sunday so you know what to expect.

We will follow a similar liturgy as we traditionally use for worship (responsive readings, prayers, scriptures, a sermon, music, singing, etc.). However, throughout the service you will be free to get up from your seats to come forward to use a prayer station(s). One prayer station will have coloring pages with colored pencils for you to take back to your seats to color. Each page will be assembled at a later time into a mural that will be on display in the Fellowship Hall throughout Advent. At the same prayer station, you may also take a quilt square and some crayons back to your seat to decorate. The quilt squares will then be made at a later date into a quilt or a wall hanging. At another prayer station will be votive candles for you to light as a symbol of a prayer you would like to lift up during worship. The baptismal font will also be available as a prayer station for you to use in order to remember your own baptisms and that, in your baptism, you have been claimed as a child of God. At another prayer station, you will also be able to help decorate a special tablecloth we will use during Communion, by writing someone’s name on the tablecloth who helped you discover your faith in Christ. In addition to the prayer stations, we will also be taking Communion by intinction, learning about an opportunity to go to Jamaica on a mission trip, remembering all our dearly departed church friends who have died in the past year, and will be coming to the front of the sanctuary to give our offerings.

Let me summarize everything I just said above. Worship this Sunday is going to be participatory, energized, and a reminder that, from the youngest to the oldest of us, we help each other learn and grow in faith. My hope is that it will be a very meaningful service, and I cannot wait to worship with you! I hope you’ll be there!


Pastor Aaron