Mid-Week Meet-Up: Our Core Values

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Today, as I do sometimes, I want to highlight my article being published in forthcoming edition of The Good News. So…. here it is!


The Faith Forward Vision Team just finished its second Vision Retreat this past weekend. In the coming weeks, you can expect to hear about more of the discussions that happened at the retreat, but I wanted to give you an overview summary. Leading up to the retreat, I had told you that the Vision Team would be deciding about our church’s core values. That happened. Since core values are really a description of our church’s deeply held principles from a grassroots level (our “essence”), the stories you shared with the Vision Team over the last few weeks were invaluable in helping us to discern those values. Here’s some of what you shared.

Many people told stories of volunteering with LOGOS as adults and having such a great time doing it; remembering when they were kids in the church and how loving adults took an interest in mentoring and investing in them; and forming very close relationships with other people after getting involved in the church. Many people told stories of feeling inspired and spiritually awakened because of our worship services; helping to lead worship by contributing a musical gift to a worship service; and the legacy of musical excellence and great preaching at the church. Many people told stories of following the leading of the Holy Spirit to help show the transforming love of Christ to people in the church and those in need outside the church and across the globe. Many people told stories of the determination displayed by the church after the fire of 2004; the cooperation demonstrated by the church to make difficult decisions while the church was rebuilt, including purchasing a new pipe organ; and the resiliency of the congregation to weather a pastoral transition under the stress of COVID. And, finally, so many of you told amazing stories of fellow church members rallying around people in need; pastoral support during times of crisis; and tangible reminders to each other that each of us belongs here at the church.

It is because of these stories and many more just like them, that the Vision Team agreed that the following statements summarize our core values at FPCP.

As a Christ-centered Community, our devotion calls each of us to...

  • Connect:  We create and sustain life-giving relationships, across all generations.

  • Inspire:  We worship God in ways that stir our souls, sharpen our minds, and speak to our hearts.

  • Follow:  We experience transformation through the Holy Spirit, and help others do the same.

  • Unify:  We join together across our differences, to make a difference.

  • Love:  We show grace and compassion to others, with no strings attached!

These core values will become important as we eventually decide about the church’s strategic objectives moving forward. Looking at our five values, I have to admit – I’m pretty excited to be part of this church!

Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron