Mid-Week Meet-Up: Intergenerational Sunday

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Three important things are happening this Sunday. 1) Following the 10 am worship service, we will be having an in-person congregational meeting to elect new Elders, Deacons, Trustees, and Nominating Committee members. The Nominating Committee will be presenting you with many qualified and faithful people for these positions! 2) Following the brief congregational meeting, we will be having our annual (and delicious!) Advent preparation brunch, hosted by Anthony Circle (one of our Presbyterian Women’s groups) with a craft prepared by our Christian Education Committee. 3) At both the 8:30 am and 10:00 am worship services, our worship will be designed to be intergenerational. Let me explain a little more about that. 

In recent years, we have been having an “Intergenerational Sunday” about twice a year. There won’t be any Sunday School, because the children of the church will be staying in the sanctuary for worship. While we will be using familiar elements of our traditional worship service (with prayers, scripture, hymns, music, and a sermon), the worship service will also be more interactive and more accessible for everyone, and the sermon will be broken up throughout the service. The theme for Sunday will be “Multiplying our Talents,” based on the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25:14-30, and numerous object lessons will help us to understand and apply the passage of scripture. Additionally, we will be hearing a report from our JASY mission team and the children’s choir will be singing. It is sure to be meaningful and enriching! 

I’m looking forward to worshiping with the entire congregation on Sunday, from the youngest to the oldest of you! 

Peace to you,
